This site collects some of the outputs presented in our
DH2016 paper on
visualizing Jeremy Bentham's manuscripts, besides additional work carried out
within Pablo Ruiz's PhD thesis. The references are below:
Estelle Tieberghien1, Frédérique Mélanie1, Pablo Ruiz Fabo1,
Thierry Poibeau1, Tim Causer2 and Melissa Terras2
(2016). Mapping the Bentham Corpus. In Digital Humanities Conference (DH 2016).
Kraków, Poland.
Ruiz Fabo, Pablo1. (2017). Concept-based and Relation-based Corpus Navigation:
Applications of Natural Language Processing in Digital Humanities.
PhD thesis. École Normale Supérieure, PSL Research University. Paris, France.
(CNRS, ENS, Paris 3, PSL, USPC)
2UCL Bentham Project,
UCL Digital Humanities
Bentham's manuscripts are currently being transcribed within UCL's
Transcribe Bentham project.
The work presented here was based on ca. 17,000 transcripts in English, to which it
was possible to assign a date.
The Search menu provides full-text search to the corpus,
and faceted search by date.
The Lexical Extraction
menu displays explanations how the terms used to create the different
corpus maps were obtained.
Under the Corpus Maps menu, the
link describes the different types of corpus maps created, i.e. what we called
Static maps, Dynamic maps and Heatmaps.
The maps described in the thesis by Ruiz Fabo (2017) correspond to the
Navigagle and Heatmap types described
on the Introduction page just cited.
Note that, on the Corpus Maps menu, maps which have the word
terms in their name are based on
Entity Linking,
and maps with multiword in their name are based on
keyphrase extraction.
The number (150 or 250) refers to the approximate number of nodes.