
Consulenda Provisions


1. Widdobuous[?] Bill

2. Ld Stanhopes list of persecuting laws in the [blank] of [blank] 1789

3. New Courts’ In[…?]

{4. Dr Watson’s Pamphlet}

{5. D. of Crofton’s Hists.}

6. Burns’ Eccles Law

7. Welsh livings[?] how they came to be so small inquire of Parry & Poole

8. Of Dr Pr[…?], the general amount of dissenting benefices.

{9. Of in Butler do of Catholics – to show the quantum stuff.}

10. Book showing the Ecclesiast. polity of Scotland.

11. Do of Prussia, Denmark – Sweden, Geneva, Bern

12. Of Ld. L. differences of hire per acre between Tishable lands and Tethe free.

1. 2/3 of the purchase money may lay on the land as a mortgage.

2. Fetters – Tenants for life &c. may charge the purchase money upon the estate.

3. Guardians and […?] of manors[?] may purchase

4. Forms of conveyance to be given in the Act.

5. Rights of presentation belonging to patrons […?] office to lapse to the parishioners on the first vacancy of the office: Ex.g. Chancellor and Bishops

6. A value to be fixed for the Advowson at so many years purchase, and for the next presentation /of the value of the living/ presentation at so many years purchase

7. Bishopricks & {other} sine cure benefices to be at the disposal of the Crown to be extinct at the death of the two present possessors.

8. Money, to be received and disbursed by the receivers of the Land Tax in each county.

9. Upon the vacancy of a Benefice the emoluments of which consist in a share of an amount of that share of an aggregate fund as a Prebend or Fellowship the amount of that share to be made […?]-charge and paid annually to the Crown.

10. Upon the lapse of the greater part in number and value of the Co. beneficiaries the tenenants to be put up to sale subject to life annuities to the Incumbents.

11. Impropriations consisting of mod[…?] to be purchasable at any time at the option of person liable, at a fixed rate

12. Profit arising from the suppression of Tithes to be divided between the public and the tithe player where he occupies the land by he occupies the land by his being at liberty to purchase at an under price.

13. Like division between the landowner and the farmer, according to tables to be formed {…?} calculated from the number of years to come of the lease

14. Provision to be made where the land is hand in lives, and under let to tenants for years.

15. To where there are several ranks of tenants.

N.B. The twin of the scale may be given to the landlord, prudentially, theirs being the most powerful interest.

Manorial Reform Vextatiuos manorial rights of no assignment value to be abolished


Hero of custom.

Treasture Trove.

Royal Fish

Wasp and Strays


Things jetsam flotsam and ligan

Copyholds to be enfranchisable at the option of the copyholders at a fixed price.

16. Rights of Election to livings to be in the Majority of the Vestry paying to the poor.

17. Provision for the juncture of small parishes where no part of the […?] is more than 2 miles distant from the Church

18. – division of any parish which has any House more than 3 miles distant from the church

19. New liturgy to be received every where by a certain day unless a dissent be signed by a majority of the inhabitants paying parish taxes.

20. If then rejected, a Vestry to be held every year at a certain day to put it to the vote

21. If received at 5 successive annual meetings, at the 5th to be received finally.

22. Promise not to preach nothing uncomfortable to the Liturgy.

23. Liberty expressly reserved to write against it.

24. Declaration that a man’s attends the service and joining in the office does not imply an approbation of every part of it without exception.

25. An advowson with an incumbent of the youngest age presumed in good health to be valued at [blank] years purchase

26. An advowson with an incumbent of 100 years old or upwards at [blank] years purchase.

27. […?] with an immediate resignation at [blank] years purchase

28. The intermediate values to be settled by Tables.

29. The game to the nation by the purchase would be the difference between the price of an advowson, the […?] price to sell the tithes &c at, and the real value of the purchases

Say 16, 20, and 28.

30. Impropriations

Land owners to hand the right of purchasing in at {…?} such a price as if they borrow their money will not diminish their income viz: 25 years purchase to 4[?] cent. The differences betwixt that and the market price say 28 years purchase to be made good by the nation out of the fund produced by sale of the Tithes of Rectories. In Ecclesiastical hands

31. Qu. The proportion of the value of […?]-proporatious to livings?

32. The farmers/tenants/ du[…?] their beans to pay the composition money (as valued) to the landlord instead of the parson.

33. Tenant for a life or lives renewable to have […?] power of changing the reversion.

34. Reversions to have like power of purchasing in the Tithes on default of the life-holders and to charge the life holder with a proportionable rent or augmentation of fine.

35. Mortgage for purchase of Tithes to have the priority of all other Mortgages – and to be registered.

36. Ministers oath to secure residence. Church wardens to sign their belief of it or mention[?] to be made of their refusal or hindrance.

Constant residence swoon to except as excepted – list of non-resident days allow’d exclusive of accidental detention by illness.

For every other day of absence, that days salary to be deducted.

Signed copy of the Oath of Residence to be enter’d in a Church Book and another stuck up against the door.

Two months non-residence in any year over and above the allowance, a ground for deprivation within 2 years.

The Parish vestry to have the power of displacing the Minister without reason assigned, but only in terms of allowing him at least ¾ of his income {2/3of the} 2/3 of the Parish in numbers and value to join in this?
I Dissenters

1. The inclination on the part of the […?] to destroy the Church, without the ability would afford no reason for putting them under any monumental /disagreeable/ restraint.

2. Coercive or attractive methods employed to produce conformity are either mischievous or useless.

3. Useless as to all those who would have conformed without them.

4. Mischievous as being productive of immorality, i:e. of falsehoods as to all those who would not have confirmed without them to 17

5. The text compel them to come in whatever be the interpretation put upon it, if it were to be understood to authorize persecution to induce men to become Churchmen could not to induce men to take a part in the controversive[?] among Christians.

6. Catholics no probability of their […?] – it would be for the world be for the world to go back upon in knowledge – enough conveniences by […?] not to be accounted as any thing

7. Persecution, if you can justify one degree, so you may every other

8. Such is the meanness of antipathy particularly religious antipathy, sooner than omit any chance of gaining its ends, it will put on the mask of cowardice.

9. All references to history is the story of the wolf & the lamb

10. Church to be defend – meaning the ecclesiastical as well as every other property of Churchmen

11. Every other apprehension of distinction of the church is a diffidence of, a rebelling against the general will.

12. It can not {but} be done but by a majority – Then you think the majority will be against you?

But if the majority are against you you are in the wrong. Fallible as it is, there is no other palpable […?] of truth […?] this

13. Those who say this will let it Atheists &c are certainly no friends to Atheists any more than to dissenters: they mean to stigmatize the one by the alliance and the other by the comparison

14. But by this supposition they pay Atheists the highest compliment, and give one of the strongest arguments that can be given for the innocence or rather mischievousness of Atheism – Atheists have then more conscience than believers.

15. There is a something which restrains men from being guilty of falsehood for worldly /gain/ advantage or to avoid suffering, even under /with/ the impossibility of detection even where detection is impossible.

16. Churchmen afraid of the destruction of the Church by the Dissenters must respect that the force of truth is against them – For what but the force of truth can prevail against the force /attraction/ of so /such/ many dignities and /a body of wealth/ {honour?}. Bishopricks so many bribes for keeping people to the Church

17. For 4 To maintain that […?] &c have any effect is to acknowledge the insincerity of those who take them.

18. There is no protection whatever you can not get people to subscribe to, {by} if you pay them for it, and punish them for not doing it.

19. What you want to come in for your share of the loaves and fishes? The complaint of the monopo[…?]t against the fur trader – of the rich shop-keeper against the poor hawker.

20. American a proof that dissenters are not intolerant now – This move is point than them history.

21. Catholics had a plea for persecution which Protestants have not.

22. …to punish men for continuing of the religion of their Fathers

23. Churchmen to inveigh against innovation! They who owe their existence to innovation

24. Finds for the propagation of the Gospel moderate. I wish they were more ample. Funds for the propagation of falsehood immense – 14,000 a year from Durham 10,000 from Canterbury, 6,000 from York,2,000 as an average for the other Bishopricks.

25. The real and true Members of the Church of England, are they, and the only, who would be so, were there nothing to be got by it.

26. Bolingbroke, to his other preferences, added that of &c. proscribing gainsayers to a system he did not believe

27. To exact oaths of Papists, saying Papists do not hold themselves bound by oaths, is to say I insist upon making use of this method because I am sure it can not answer its purpose.

Pu[…?] May 12. 1769

Philanthropos – ‘Is it not an article of faith in the Church of Provin…. Are men who hold such Doctrine . . . calculated to become good members of society in a Protestant country unless restrained by statutes containing some degree or an . . . . &c

Whatsoever would be saved must thus think of the Trinity.

I beg pardon of the Church &c I have never been able to hate those who differed from me: if I must hate it should rather be those who thinking with me with regard to those speculative points would be for employing the fruits of hatred to force others to think with me &c

In common cases a majority are bound /themselves/ by the Laws[?] they make – instance[…?], penal Laws &c

But in these laws are […?] acts of hostility of the majority against the minority, in which the rights of the one are sacrificed to the passions of the other.

Intolerant laws all turn upon confounding the truth of a proposition with the obligation to believe it.

It is universally believed that the garment of J. C. &c. […?] scorn. Suppose that by a collation of text or discovery of new ms any one should succeed in proving to deconstruction[?] that there was a scorn, would that {…?} impose on me an obligation to believe it

The only standard of importance used fundamentally is influence on moral conduct. […?] this and every thing is abundant to ones […?]ness & c[…?]

Of what importance can a truth be, how ever sublime from which nothing follows?

The constitution of the Godhead is with respect to us […?] and ignorant mortals of no {more} importance than the […?] or […?] of our luxurious […?].

Is it men with the max God as with the false ones of the heathens of different passions implied different […?], and by pleasing one a man had to fear the displeasing of {the} another then indeed it would be of importance.

As it is, it is of none: but what is of importance is that a person pronouncing one set of words should be led to conceive that a person using another set of words on that occasion

{indeed him}

[…?] the wrath of all those persons and that to such a degree as to be doomed by their […?] […?] to eternal misery.

The […?]ness the notion that every innovation is to wish the ruin of the Church is a consciousness /imputes a sort of/ of acknowledgement that it will not bear examination – In every department of government of government it would be concluded at once a proof of guilt


Rights of the Protestant Dissenters to a compleat toleration affected 1789

Priestly: letter […?] P[…?]st 1786 or -7.

Brothers […?] of the Catholics.

Query of him whether the Papers are paid for insertions


Thoughts on the claims of DIessenters

Two races – then of cost, & […?] . . . & Otions

It is the property of tyranny to provoke rebellion, and perhaps to justify it.
1831 Aug. 11

Colonization Society

Title and Contents


Colonization Society /Company/ Proposals

being a Proposal for the formation of a Joint Stock Company by the name of the Colonization Company on a /an entirely/ new principle intituled the Vicinity-maximizing or Dispersion-preventing principle.


Preface.  should not this come before, and be independent of - the Contents?


Special ends in view.


Means of effectuation - primary characteristic and distinctive - the Vicinity-maximizing or Dispersion-preventing, principle.


Mean of effectuation; pecuniary and quasi-pecuniary.

§.1. Grant of land to the Company from the Sovereign power of the Mother-Country

§.2. Formation by the Company of a capital say of £500,000, to be employed as a means with reference to the above special ends.

§.3. Division and dispersal proposed to be made of the land forming the subject matter of the grant.

§.4. Primary distribution and application proposed to be made of the Capital sum, as above. For the ulterior distribution see Ch.IV, §.1.


Means of effectuation, incititive. To the several parties whose co-operation is necessary or would be beneficial, inducements to take the several parts respectively required of them /desired at their hands:/

§.1. Shareholders - or Members of the proposed Company and other contributors.

§.2. Settlers without capital - their inducements

§.3. Settlers with Capital - their inducements

§.4. Government of the Mother Country - its inducements.


Company's and Colony's Constitution taken together

§.1. Difficulty suggested

§.2. Remedy proposed


Company's Constitution


Colonial Constitution

§.1. What it can not be

§.2. What it may be


Colonial Management, what
1831 Aug. 5

Colonization Proposal

§.1. Special Ends in v

§.1. Special Ends in view

1. Transferring individuals, in an unlimited multitude from a state

of indigence to a state of affluence

2. Affording to a great part of the remaining portion of the

population of the Mother Country, relief, from the pressure of a state of continually

encreasing indigence, from which they can not at present be relieved, but by a

continually encreasing tax imposed upon the people of all degrees above the lowest in the scale of opulence.

4. Affording to the relatively opulent such tax-paying portion of the

people of England, immediate relief, more or less

considerable, from this pressure

5. Affording to them a security against all future encrease of the

existing pressure: a security which will not terminate, till the Australasian

Continent contains a population as dense as the European.

6. Giving to the immigrants into Australasia not merely the means of

existence, as above, but through means of education, the means of well-being in all time to come, as well in respect of the

mind, as in respect of the mind.
1831 Aug. 5

Colonization Proposal

§.1. Special ends in

6. Giving, in that Colony, in a correspondent degree, encrease to the market for the produce of the Mother Country: thereby, in this same Mother Country, over and above prevention of substraction from, making positive addition to the existing stock of the matter of wealth.

7. Giving to those same beneficial states of things, not merely a temporary, but a permanent, not to say perpetual existence, an existence having no other termination than that which will be produced by a density of population in the Colony equal to that which at the time in question has place in the Mother Country.

8. Giving to the Stockholders, a reasonable, and it is hoped a constantly encreasing rate of interest and profit on the capital advanced by them by the purchase of their respective shares.
1831 Aug. 9

Colonization Proposal

§.1. Special Ends in view

§.1. Special ends in view.

1. Transferring individuals in an unlimited multitude from a state of indigence to a state of affluence.

2. Relieving the remaining portion /a great part/ of the population of the Mother Country from the pressure of a continually increasing state of indigence from which they can not at present be relieved but by a continually increasing tax imposed upon the people of all degrees above the lowest in the scale of opulence.

4. Affording to the relatively opulent in the first instance a relief more or less considerable from the pressure.

5. Affording a security against all future increase of the existing pressure - a security which will not terminate till the Australian Continent contains a population as dense as the European.

6. Giving to the immigrants into Australia not merely the medium of existence as above but, through the medium of education the means of well-being in all time to come, as well in respect of the mind as in respect of the body
1831 Aug. 9

Colonization Society

Means of Effectuation

§. Pecuniary Means

Original Means of effectuation - Scene, England

1. Formation of a Joint-Stock Company, by the name of the Colonization Society or Colonization Company.

A certain number of individuals have agreed together to constitute themselves into a Joint Stock Company; if, for that purpose, they can obtain, at the hands of Government, the necessary powers. Name of the instrument by which these powers are granted - a Charter.

For the formation of it, a Charter from the Crown would be necessary

2. Name of the spot proposed a spot discovered by Capt. Flinders and by him named Gulph Vincent

Capital proposed to be raised £500,000

Disposal of it, as follows -

1. Paid to Government - to be employed by Government in defraying the expence of the transportation of persons consenting to be so dealt with on condition of their being provided for a certain length of time with the means of subsistence in consideration of the labour to be by them respectively employed, under the direction and for the benefit of their respective employers ... £125,000

2. To be employed in loans made to small capitalists on condition of their employing the money in the expences of making [?] settlement in the Colony, and advancing for that purpose each of them a sum equal to the sum advanced to them by the Company .... £125,000

3. To be employed in means of communication of all sorts: such as Roads, by land and water, Bridges for the purpose of giving a factitious value to all lands in contiguity with them and near vicinity, to an indefinite extent. £250,000


1831 Aug.

Colonization Society

Ch.II Means of effectuation - primary

§.1. Vicinity maximizing Dispersion-preventing

§.2. Dispersion - its evil effects

§.2. Dispersion - its disad[van]tageous effects.

Dispersion bears reference to the center of government: of defensive force and of commercial intercourse.

Of its disadvantageous effects, examples are the following.

In general, of the evil from dispersion, the magnitude is as the distance between the one object and the other

But the distance in question is susceptible of two diversifications: viz the distance in question may be the distance 1 of the several individuals from the seat of government, as above 2 of two or more of the individuals in question from one another.

1. Of Evils, springing from the proportioned to distance of the individual in question from the seat of government examples are the following

1. Insecurity against damage to person and property from the hostility of the uncivilized aborigines

2. Insecurity against the like from disorderly Settlers

3. Distance from the only place at which material of subsistence and materials of instruments necessary to production and communication say conveyance can be obtained; obtained, - whether by purchase, hire, or borrowing

4. Distance at the only place in which means of reparation for instruments of all sorts can be obtained:- as above

5. Distance from the only place at which value for surplus produce in any shape can be obtained

6. Distance from the only place, at which intelligence of good or evil, present, past, or future probable, from any source, can be obtained.
1831 Aug.12

Colonization Society

Ch.II Means of effectuation primary

1. Vicinity maximizing or say Dispersion minimizing

§.2. Dispersion - its evil effects

7. Distance from the only place, at which social intercourse at large, and the various and endless comforts that depend upon it can be obtained.

8. Distance from the only place, in which in so far as the co-operation of other persons, other than the members of ones own family can, for any purpose, on any terms, be obtained.

9. Distance from the only place at which medical advice or assistance can be obtained.

10. Distance from the only place, to which for the purpose of obtaining return in any shape, produce, in any shape can be conveyed.

11. Distance from the only place in which instruction or useful information in any shape can be obtained.

12. Distance from the only place in which amusement in any shape can be obtained

By vicinity of the settlers to one another, the evils of all from distance on the part of all from the only place from which any thing needful or desirable can be obtained will of course receive alleviation from and in proportion to the number of those between which the vicinity has place, and the degree of the vicinity as between every two of the places of abode.

13. Impossibility of obtaining loans of money on any terms: owing to the distance from the seat of judicature; from which alone can eventually be obtained the means of procuring repayment by seizure of effects.
1831 Aug. 9

Colonization Society

Ch.IV Means of Effectuation

Inducements to

§.2. settlers without capital

Settlers who in the first instance are not to have possession any one of them of any portion of land, (with the exception perhaps of his own domicile) - but are to view in the wages of their labor - wages to be paid to them by employers of a certain description, (of whom presently) their sole means of subsistence

But, except in so far as a number is at hand, in which those who have the money, will be sure, of obtaining in it, whatsoever things there are, the possession and use of which is necessary for the continuation of their existence, money is of no value.

In the first instance therefore and for and during a certain length of time, in exchange for a man's labour, instead of any sum of money the amount of which may be engaged to be given to them when the time is ripe for it, these labouring settlers, or say settling labourers, must have the money's worth: in a word day by day, a certain allotment each of them of the several things regarded as necessary to subsistence: in one word - and this word the customary one -rations

To each individual or rather to each couple of individuals (for an essential part of the proposal is that they shall go out no otherwise than in couples, and this without children, (Children being dead, or not having had time enough to be born). Say then to each couple on each day on condition that if not done, a certain proportion of the [...?] daily hours, labour, under the direction of their respective employer and paymasters will have been performed by them respectively, a certain set of rations in lieu of money will be delivered: the quantities of the several sorts of things to be receipted in lieu of the correspondent sum of money being settled by previous agreement.