

Book VI.

Constitution Defended

1 Company One

Company /Authority/ - why one for /only, extending over/ the whole /of South Britain/ Kingdom? /Answer - on account of the/ Advantages that would be foregone by a System, compleat or incompleat, of independent local managements - even if they covered the whole face of the territory /country/, much more if they covered but a part of it.

1. Universality of the benefit (whatever it might be) in point of local extent - Under the proposed National Company; the whole country would be covered with the proposed Industry Houses all at once - A compleat set of Local Companies might not be formed for Ages - Half a century employ'd in covering the half of a single county (Suffolk) with Industry Houses - 2. Saving of the expence of [...?] and Litigations in regard to Settlement - Annual [...?] ,\ZS\. + 3 Advantages attested to /depending on/ the difference in point of largeness of scale. ║

4 Saving by diminution of the proportion of spare room /building/ necessary to be provided to make provision for fluctuations in respect of the number of the Paupers, in a set of Independent Houses, of which no one however scantily peopled could afford any relief to any other, however overflowing.

+ Pauper Returns to the House of Commons Predated[?] 1787

Note 2

║ viz: in respect of 1. Savings in the proportionable number of Officers: 2. in respect of the building - by avoiding the multiplication of apartments such as no establishment can do without, and of which there must consequently be as many as there are establishments although one such apartment will serve for an establishment however large: 3. Saving in the expence of vessels, by diminishing the proportion of materials with reference to space: 4. Saving by the advantage of wholesale purchase: 5. Profit by value given to refuse - (in the way of manure &c) which upon a smaller scale would not be worth collecting. 6. Advantage in respect of the division of labour: which is carried to a higher pitch, and thence production of a greater degree of profit the greater the quantity of labour at command.