1831 Aug. 5

Colonization Proposal

§.1. Special Ends in v

§.1. Special Ends in view

1. Transferring individuals, in an unlimited multitude from a state

of indigence to a state of affluence

2. Affording to a great part of the remaining portion of the

population of the Mother Country, relief, from the pressure of a state of continually

encreasing indigence, from which they can not at present be relieved, but by a

continually encreasing tax imposed upon the people of all degrees above the lowest in the scale of opulence.

4. Affording to the relatively opulent such tax-paying portion of the

people of England, immediate relief, more or less

considerable, from this pressure

5. Affording to them a security against all future encrease of the

existing pressure: a security which will not terminate, till the Australasian

Continent contains a population as dense as the European.

6. Giving to the immigrants into Australasia not merely the means of

existence, as above, but through means of education, the means of well-being in all time to come, as well in respect of the

mind, as in respect of the mind.