1831 Aug. 9

Colonization Society

Means of Effectuation

§. Pecuniary Means

Original Means of effectuation - Scene, England

1. Formation of a Joint-Stock Company, by the name of the Colonization Society or Colonization Company.

A certain number of individuals have agreed together to constitute themselves into a Joint Stock Company; if, for that purpose, they can obtain, at the hands of Government, the necessary powers. Name of the instrument by which these powers are granted - a Charter.

For the formation of it, a Charter from the Crown would be necessary

2. Name of the spot proposed a spot discovered by Capt. Flinders and by him named Gulph Vincent

Capital proposed to be raised £500,000

Disposal of it, as follows -

1. Paid to Government - to be employed by Government in defraying the expence of the transportation of persons consenting to be so dealt with on condition of their being provided for a certain length of time with the means of subsistence in consideration of the labour to be by them respectively employed, under the direction and for the benefit of their respective employers ... £125,000

2. To be employed in loans made to small capitalists on condition of their employing the money in the expences of making [?] settlement in the Colony, and advancing for that purpose each of them a sum equal to the sum advanced to them by the Company .... £125,000

3. To be employed in means of communication of all sorts: such as Roads, by land and water, Bridges for the purpose of giving a factitious value to all lands in contiguity with them and near vicinity, to an indefinite extent. £250,000


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  • Title: [1831 Aug. 11 Colonization Society]
    Description: 1831 Aug. 11

    Colonization Society

    Title and Contents


    Colonization Society /Company/ Proposals

    being a Proposal for the formation of a Joint Stock Company by the name of the Colonization Company on a /an entirely/ new principle intituled the Vicinity-maximizing or Dispersion-preventing principle.


    Preface.  should not this come before, and be independent of - the Contents?


    Special ends in view.


    Means of effectuation - primary characteristic and distinctive - the Vicinity-maximizing or Dispersion-preventing, principle.


    Mean of effectuation; pecuniary and quasi-pecuniary.

    §.1. Grant of land to the Company from the Sovereign power of the Mother-Country

    §.2. Formation by the Company of a capital say of £500,000, to be employed as a means with reference to the above special ends.

    §.3. Division and dispersal proposed to be made of the land forming the subject matter of the grant.

    §.4. Primary distribution and application proposed to be made of the Capital sum, as above. For the ulterior distribution see Ch.IV, §.1.


    Means of effectuation, incititive. To the several parties whose co-operation is necessary or would be beneficial, inducements to take the several parts respectively required of them /desired at their hands:/

    §.1. Shareholders - or Members of the proposed Company and other contributors.

    §.2. Settlers without capital - their inducements

    §.3. Settlers with Capital - their inducements

    §.4. Government of the Mother Country - its inducements.


    Company's and Colony's Constitution taken together

    §.1. Difficulty suggested

    §.2. Remedy proposed


    Company's Constitution


    Colonial Constitution

    §.1. What it can not be

    §.2. What it may be


    Colonial Management, what
  • Title: [1831 Aug. 11 Colonization Society]
    Description: 1831 Aug. 11

    Colonization Society

    Capital £500,000 2) 2500

    1250 lots each of 80 acres Interest thereon 20/25,000 x80 must be sold each

    at 5 per Cent 100 100,000 year to produce

    2) 25,000 4) 1250

    6,250 325

    £ 2 3

    At 1s paid 15.13 12,500 975

    At 2s per day 31. 6 18,750

    At 3s per day 46. 9

    Ch.I Special ends in view

    Ch.II Means of effectuation -

    persons and character the

    Vicinity maximizing or say

    Dispersion-preventing principle

    1300 Ch.III Means of effectuation -

    £ 100 £ 50 pecuniary and quasi-pecuniary



    §.1. - Formation of a Joint

    Stock Company - Capital £500,000.

    Members shares

    Cost 100 labourers at

    £15 per year §.2. Grant of land for it

    = 151 1565 add £1300? §.2. Disposal of the land.

    2 Fundamental principle

    31300 §.3. Disposal of the money

    46950 §.4. Distribution i.e. disposal

    of the Capital sum

    Ch.IV Fourth indispensable means

    Inducements to the parties whose

    co-operation is necessary or

    would be conducive

    §.1. Stockholders their


    §.2. Settlers without capital -

    their inducements

    §.3. Settlers with capital -

    their inducements

    §.4. Government in the Mother

    Country - its inducements+

    Ch.V. Proposed Constitution of

    the Joint Stock Company in


    Ch.VI Proposed Government in the


    +See Ch.1. Special ends in view
  • Title: [1831 Aug. 11 Colonization Society]
    Description: 1831 Aug. 11

    Colonization Society

    Brouillon Raw Materials

    Ch.IV Means of effectuation - incitative

    §1. - to Stockholders.

    1. Interest and profit on their shares.

    II. Return, or say Profit from the respective sources

    1. First source of profit looked to - produce of the sale proposed to be made of

    land in lots. Number of acres in a lot, 80 or thereabouts - minimum price per

    acre, 5s. This gives for the Minimum produce of each lot, £20

    Minimum of expected interest and profit together, say 5 per Cent. Upon the

    capital of £500,000 a years interest at 5 per Cent is £25,000

    Number of lots which to produce each year's interest must have been sold in the

    course of the year is 1,250

    But if, of the £500,000, one fourth part namely £125,000 is, as proposed lent to

    settlers with capital in that case on the supposition that the interest at which

    it is lent is 5 per Cent, and that interest paid without deduction, one quarter

    of the above /the £25,000/ amount of interest namely £6,500 will be obtained

    otherwise than by sale of land £18,750

    Lots of land to be sold in a year 975

    Acres of land to be sold in a year 750,000

    But the £250,000 which is proposed to be laid out in the purchase of labour and

    materials employed on [...?] improvements such as the necessary buildings, and

    the means of communication - such as roads, bridges if necessary, and Canals and

    in so far as more economical than roads; and, if necessary and economical,

    improvement of the harbour, will not be laid out - the whole of it - in the

    course of one year.